David Brown Tractors 1936-1964 2nd Ed

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The story of the David Brown tractor is one of the most fascinating pieces of British agricultural engineering history, and it began over six decades ago in the heart of the British wool textile industry, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. How tractors came to be built in Huddersfield, more famous for worsted cloth, fine choral society and its football team, is told in great detail. From shop-floor and field engineers through middle-management, to the higher-echelon of the company board room, recollections and memories have flowed to make this book the first authentic work on the history and products of David Brown Tractors Ltd.
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Stock Code CR708.0
Author Earnshaw A
ISBN13 9781908347084
Format Softback
Height(mm) 210
Width(mm) 148
Page Count 64
Pictures 80
Publication Date 4 Feb 2013
Publisher CRECY
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 11/08/2022