The World's Great Rail Journeys- 50 of the Most Spectacular, Luxurious, Unusual and Exhilarating Routes Across the Globe

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‘The World’s Great Rail Journeys’ describes over 50 of the world’s most exciting, unusual and exot-ic railway journeys, including North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia, updated to in-clude photographs of new trains travelling on the same spectacular routes. Each journey is accom-panied by a route map and is described in terms of the technical challenges of the construction of the track as well as the stunning views to be seen while travelling on the trains. One of the most famous, the Orient Express route from Paris to Istanbul, is historical and no longer possible as a sin-gle journey but full details of how to trace the route today accompany the description of the origi-nal concept. Other journeys are included because of the exciting countryside they pass through, such as the spectacular railways in the Canadian Rockies, or the challenging nature of the route, such as India’s Darjeeling Himalayan Railways, or the Indian Pacific which runs across Australia from Perth to Sydney.
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Stock Code JBP29.0
Author Soloman B
ISBN13 9781913679293
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 282
Width(mm) 220
Page Count 207
Pictures 160
Publication Date 16 Dec 2022
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 14/09/2023