The Light Railway - A Journey along the Narrow and Bucolic

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The light Railways Act 1896 marked the final phase in the development of the traditional railway in Britain, being designed to open up rural areas of Britain that had been bypassed by the larger railway companies. The promoting and construction of light railways allowed many parts of Britain and Ireland, to have an outlet to the outside world and major cities, which previously they had not enjoyed. The Light Railway is not designed to be a definitive history, but a pictorial tribute to the brave attempt to develop a rural network of lines to serve some of the areas of the British Isles and Ireland that had sadly been neglected by the large main line companies throughout the initial and later railway development period from 1825 to 1896. This volume looks at the railways themselves, motive power and infrastructure that made up these small but important lines, promoted by our Victorian and Edwardian ancestors.
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Stock Code P0661.0
Author Scott-Morgan J
ISBN13 9781036106614
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 172
Width(mm) 246
Page Count 232
Pictures 200
Publication Date 31 Jan 2025
Publication Status Available
Publisher PEN & SWORD
Record last updated 13/02/2025