Railways with a Colourful Past - A Portfolio of Colourised Photographs 1855-1957

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The first commercially viable photographic colour process, the Autochrome, only came to the market in 1907, meaning that many of the earlier rich and elaborate railway liveries were never photographed in colour. Even in later years, colour film was extremely slow and very expensive, causing the majority of photographers to continue working mainly in black and white right into the 1950s. Many of the earlier images were captured in stunning detail on glass plate negatives, so to release these and later photographs from their monochrome past the author has used digital technologies and manual skill to restore the beauty of the original scenes, most of which have not been seen in colour for a century or more. WITH A COLOURISING TUTORIAL.
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Stock Code BDL45.0
Author Knowles A
ISBN13 9781915069450
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 275
Width(mm) 275
Page Count 108
Pictures 100
Publication Date 11 Dec 2024
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 13/12/2024