Railways of Central Scotland - 40 Years of Change

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The last two decades have seen many changes to the railways of Central Scotland with different ownership of passenger franchises and new locomotives and rolling stock for both passenger and freight. These changes have intensified over the five years covered in this book with the main feature being an extensive programme of electrification giving no fewer than five electrified routes between Edinburgh and Glasgow. This volume, illustrated with over 180 colour photographs and including a wide variety of trains and liveries, looks at the sweeping changes that have taken place on the ever-changing railways of Central Scotland in the last five years.
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Stock Code KE823.0
Author Lothian I
ISBN13 9781802828238
Format Softback
Height(mm) 243
Width(mm) 170
Page Count 96
Pictures 180
Publication Date 1 Oct 2024
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 10/10/2024