LMS Steam in Scotland in the 1930s

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The Grouping in Scotland brought together the locomotive stock of the Caledonian Railway, the Highland Railway and the Glasgow and South Western Railway under the LM&SR management which almost immediately sought for the standardisation of locomotive parts. Fortunately, the Caley under the leadership of John McIntosh had started down this path which meant that together with the work done by David Jones and Peter Drummond at the Highland, the LM&SR could rely on good performing locomotives for many years. Unfortunately, the locomotive stock of the G&SWR suffered prior to the Grouping from a series of badly designed, poorly steaming replacement boilers which the LM&SR judged to be non-standard leading to their early withdrawal and replacement by former Caley stock and LM&SR Classes such as 2P 4-4-0’s and 4F 0-6-0’s. This collection brings together many previously unpublished images of Caley, Highland and Sou’West locomotives at work and rest throughout the former LM&SR territory.
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Stock Code TT337.0
Author Dickson BJ
ISBN13 9781913893378
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 190
Width(mm) 245
Page Count 80
Pictures 80
Publication Date 20 Feb 2024
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 06/06/2024