British Railway Stations Since 1901 - An Essential Gazetteer

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Over the past 120 years more than 9,000 stations have offered a passenger service within Great Britain. Many of these are still operational – indeed new stations have opened in recent years and more are planned with the possible reopening of lines long closed – but many are now part of history. There is an undoubted fascination in the history of stations and this new handbook provides a guide to each station that has existed since 1901 to the present day. The book is split into two alphabetical sections: those stations that became (or would have become) a part of the structure of post-grouping railways and subsequently within the scope of British Railways, and those that were on independent lines. Within the book each of the stations noted has been categorised and colour-coded as closed, open as part of the National Rail system, preserved, in use as tram stops or as part of the London Underground system
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Stock Code UQE11.0
Author Smith P/Salmon S
ISBN13 9781913555115
Format Softback
Height(mm) 150
Width(mm) 210
Page Count 208
Pictures 150
Publication Date 15 Sep 2022
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 26/04/2024