The London that Never Happened

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A pyramid on Trafalgar Square, an airport at King’s Cross, an Eiffel Tower at Wembley, suspended monorails in central London and to Heathrow, a sixties-style Piccadilly Circus, a diverted Thames, a remodelled Westminster, a very different South Bank and three six-lane orbital motorways. These are among the bold but unrealised proposals for London covered in this book. Its author, Antony Badsey-Ellis, has gathered together a fascinating set of facts and illustrations for plans ranging from some that would have had little chance of going ahead to ones that came close to execution.
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Stock Code CA469.0
Author Badsey-Ellis A
ISBN13 9781854144690
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 256
Width(mm) 225
Page Count 96
Pictures 80
Publication Date 14 Jul 2022
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 06/10/2023