Aircraft and Aviation Stamps- A Collector's Guide

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The author has combined his two greatest interests: Transport and Stamp Collecting. Philately (the collecting of stamps) itself is a fascinating hobby looking at the development of postal services in all its forms, designs of stamps that have evolved the Victorian Penny-Black to today's creations, often artistic but dependant more and more on photography with greater or lesser degrees of digital manipulation. In his quest he has covered many unusual places that have only become more accessible with the advent of cheap air travel but has still found it necessary to use his own contacts, library of related books and more recently the internet to research his subject. Like all books in this series, they been laid out as global tour starting in the UK and then travelling in an easterly direction through every continent. Readers will not find every country included but a differing selection in each volume.
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Stock Code P7186.0
Author Piltz H
ISBN13 9781473871861
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 234
Width(mm) 156
Page Count 160
Pictures 250
Publication Date 9 Mar 2020
Publisher PEN & SWORD
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 14/09/2023