Alexander's Buses 1961 Volume 1

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This book is a picture album of Alexanders buses and coaches and is not intended to be a history of the company and features unpublished views from the period 1 April through to 13 August 1961. Many of the views were taken after the 15 May when Alexanders were split into three new companies; Alexander Fife, Midland and Northern with approximately 500, 950 and 450 vehicles respectively. The only noticeable change in this volume is that new buses ordered by the new companies have local registrations such as the Leyland PD3s delivered to Alexander Northern have Aberdeen registrations, although interestingly, still in Alexanders pre-split livery. Views featured in this volume are in chronological order starting with Aberdeen in April then after the split on 15 May 1961, views taken in Edinburgh, Larbert, Falkirk, Kirkcaldy, back to Edinburgh, Larbert, back to Falkirk, Bannockburn, Stirling and then Edinburgh, including views at Easter Road.
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Stock Code TTM08.0
Author Conn H
ISBN13 9781913893088
Format Hardback
Height(mm) 194
Width(mm) 245
Page Count 81
Pictures 80
Publication Date 12 Aug 2021
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 26/04/2024